Dear Friend,
Though the oil from the BP Macondo well stopped flowing in late July, the effects of the disaster continue to affect communities across the coast. Not only has oil penetrated our coast, but questions remain regarding the impacts chemical oil dispersants have on our waters and our seafood.
Send a message to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson telling her to regulate toxic oil dispersants!
At present, approximately 1.84 million gallons of chemical dispersants have been dumped into Gulf waters, all with little knowledge or research on the chemicals' toxic impacts. Regulations guiding how and where dispersants can be used are based solely on their effectiveness at breaking up oil not on any scientific standards of safe use.
Tell the EPA to set standards for dispersants that protect public health and the environment!
The EPA needs to amend regulations on dispersants and require more extensive and robust toxicity testing, establish criteria that define the safe use of dispersants' chemical substances, and require full public disclosure of each dispersant’s ingredients.
Please write EPA Administrator Jackson and urge her to create regulations for dispersants that prioritize safeguarding our environment and communities.
Thank you for all that you do for the Gulf.
In Solidarity,
Jordan Macha
Gulf Coast Field Organizer
P.S. After you take action, please forward this message to your friends and family!

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